by on March 21, 2021
I’d never experienced N2O before, and was presented the opportunity to. So, being the psychonaut that I am, I absolutely couldn’t resist the curiosity. It was probably what I would describe as the craziest 30 seconds of my life; but in the most cool way. I inhaled from the canister, taking about 2 cartridges worth. While holding it in, suddenly my hearing is vibrating, and I hear a constant “Wuhwuhwuhwuhwuh”, almost like a low, pulsating bass effect in a dubstep song. My friends laughter beco...
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by on September 6, 2019
Have you been able to get an out-of-body high almost every time? Well me and my group have been researching the combinations of LSD, MDMA and Nitrous Oxide. LSD -> N2O...
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